Case Study


3 reasons to upgrade to Axon Ivy iBPMS :-

  • Seamless integration to 5 different systems that equip managers and staff with the ability to login to all 5 systems through a single interface either with laptop or mobile (especially while traveling). 
  • the current EIPS software that works on Microsoft IE 11 is obsolete and needs to be re-coded entirely! With Axon Ivy iBPMS, your company is protected against browser obsolescence!
  • Equips the business with the technology to be agile, customer centric and transformational. 


EIPS was a custom developed purchase requisition (PR) system to automate PR request and processing based on Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) in 2011. Initially it was a 5 level, sequential PR approval workflow but enhanced with additional workflows and integrations and user interfaces such as: –

  1. Tech Purchase Approval
  2. SAP integration
  3. IT Release 
  4. Purchase Inquiry (PI)/Project Approval 
  5. ICD integration
  6. CSS (Contract Summary Sheet) Approval
  7. Contract Summary Sheet (CSS) approval workflow 
  8. EIPS Mobile Approval  
  1. Reason to Upgrade EIPS
  • obsolescence of Internet Explorer.
  • the obsolescence of IE necessitates the upgrade of EIPS to be able to run on current and modern HTML5 browser technology.

  1. EIPS Upgrade Options

We consider the 2 options to develop and deploy upgrade for EIPS, as listed above.  

First option – Custom Upgrade

  • To modify the existing EIPS code to utilise modern browser technology. This requires an almost complete code rewrite and significant development effort will be required to upgrade the existing code. 
  • Post upgrade, it will continue to be challenging to accommodate to new dynamic business requirements. 

Second Option- Use Axon Ivy BPM platform to upgrade EIPS

The Axon Ivy platform is a sophisticated workflow engine that allows the configuration of simple to complex workflows. The low code technology platform reduces significantly the effort to code business and routing logic to instead coding user interfaces and integration logic. The complex workflow interactions and routing logic are handled by the workflow engine. Changes to workflows are easily handled by re-configuring the workflows. 

This would future proof your investment as future changes can be as easy as re-configuring the workflows. In addition, information and data from third party systems can be directly integrated into a continuous process solution which facilitates collaboration, innovation and digital transformation.

In addition, the platform provides out-of-the-box, tracking functions to monitor and troubleshoot transactions, and to provide metrics of workflow performance.